Cooperative Motility, Force Generation and Mechanosensing in a Foraging Non-Photosynthetic Diatom

4 Oct 2023
Open Biology

Diatoms are ancestrally photosyntheticmicroalgae. However, some underwent a major evolutionary transition, losing photosynthesis to become obligate heterotrophs. The molecular and physiological basis for this transition is unclear. Here, we isolate and characterize new strains of non-photosynthetic diatoms from the coastal waters of Singapore. These diatoms occupy diverse ecological niches and display glucose-mediated catabolite repression, a classical feature of bacterial and fungal heterotrophs. Live-cell imaging reveals deposition of secreted extracellular polymeric substance (EPS). Diatoms moving on pre-existing EPS trails (runners) move faster than those laying new trails (blazers). This leads to cell-to-cell coupling where runners can push blazers to make them move faster. Calibrated micropipettes measure substantial single-cell pushing forces, which are consistent with high-order myosin motor cooperativity. Collisions that impede forward motion induce reversal, revealing navigation-related force sensing. Together, these data identify aspects of metabolism and motility that are likely to promote and underpin diatom heterotrophy.
