
TLL pushes the envelope to make important scientific discoveries and break throughs that contribute to the advancement of the community’s well-being.

Kumar Bok Choy Tissue Culture

From active R&D programmes on infectious diseases to leveraging strengths in molecular biology and genetics, TLL continues to innovate nature-based solutions that support operations across the value chain, improve public health and mitigate climate change.

This results in the patient building of institutions and infrastructure, with focus on the persistent search for practical solutions that foster inter-disciplinary bio science research.

Methodologies developed for novel projects such as cutting-edge detection of infectious diseases, the discovery of progressive biomaterials, synthetic manufacturing of flavours and fragrances, and natural purification of air-pollutive particles, are corrective actions that reduce the adverse effects of industrial activities and global warming.

As rising temperatures and increased frequencies of weather events continue to exacerbate human health and disrupt supply chains, TLL will scale up efforts to enable the R&D ecosystem. We will harness science and innovation to build climate-resilient strategies, generating low-carbon solutions that unlock possibilities for green well-being and a liveable environment.

Well Being

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